In other news, with our OLS challenge coming to a close in the Go stage, Mrs. A, Coach West, and myself have been planning our next humanities design challenge. Students have been researching the basics of human rights in class with me the past few weeks, Coach West has been teaching a unit on culture and world geography, and Mrs. A has been reading The Book Thief all with students in preparation for this design challenge.
Yesterday students completed a survey on what human right they would be most interested in learning more about. After much deliberation and careful place on the part of Mrs. A and myself, students were placed in 14 different groups, with each group focusing on a different human right.
We wanted to do something a little different this challenge. Normally, throughout the course of a challenge a group leader will emerge organically and do things like delegate tasks, report to the teachers, and generally make sure work gets done. This time, instead of letting that occur organically, we chose project managers for each team to make sure these things get done. Project managers were selected for a variety of reasons including consistency in the first challenge, a strong work ethic, desire for group success, ability to delegate responsibility, knowledge of when to lead and when to follow, humility, good listening skills, and leadership doesn't go to their heads.
Human Rights Awareness Campaign Project Managers
"How might we promote and educate our peers about Human Rights both globally and locally?"
I've put the Design Challenge Check List on the File Cabinet page, but a copy is also found in each group's binder.
On behalf of all your teachers, have a fabulous Thanksgiving. We are so truly thankful for each and every one of you, and know that Studio D would not be the same without you all. All of our love and safe travels, kiddos!