These are the questions, broken down with guidelines of what you should be doing each day. If you have not finished the summary of Part 1 that is your number one priority. All of this will be done BEFORE Mrs. A gets back!
Day One Work:
Part Two - The Shoulder Shrug
A Girl Made of Darkness
The Joy of Cigarettes
The Town Walker
Dead Letters
1. What does Liesel give herself as a birthday present?
2. What is the source of the “second Watschen” that Liesel receives?
3. Explain the colors in this chapter/scene. For example, what color does Lisel
know the real scene was and what color did she see? What do you think this
might mean?
Hitler’s Birthday, 1940
1. What is the “minor calamity” and why is it a problem?
2. What is the issue between Hans and Hans Jr.?
Day Two Work:
100 Percent Pure German Sweat
1. On page 108 the author includes the sentence “It was a small moment, but it
was also a preview of troubles to come.” What literary device is at work in this sentence?
2. “It reminded her of an unpopular child, forlorn and bewildered, powerless to
alter its fate” (109). What is the “it” in this sentence? How does this metaphor work to make the reader feel a particular way about this scene?
3. What do the Germans burn and why?
4. “He was just an animal, hurt among the melee of its own kind, soon to be trampled by it” (112). What do you think the author is trying to tell the reader with this comparison to animals?
The Gates of Thievery
1. Why does Papa slap Liesel?
Book of Fire
Day Three Work:
Part Three - Mein Kampf
The Way Home
1. What does Liesel promise Papa in exchange for the book?
2. What book does Papa buy with cigarettes this time?
The Mayor’s Library
1. Summarize this chapter in a few sentences.
2. “The mayor’s wife bruised herself again” (137). What does this sentence literally mean
and how do you know?
Enter The Struggler
Day Four Work:
The Attributes of Summer
1. Who is Johann Hermann and how did he die?
2. How does Liesel learn to swim?
3. What convinces Arthur Berg to let Rudy and Liesel into his crew?
4. Why does Liesel throw up? What does this show us?
The Aryan Shopkeeper
Day Five Work:
The Struggler, Continued
1. What is the English translation of “Mein Kampf?” How is this title ironic?
2. Who is “the Struggler?”
1. What do the neighborhood kids steal and why?
2. Where do the chestnuts come from and what do Rudy and Liesel do with them?
The Struggler, Concluded
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