Monday, October 21, 2013

10.21.13 Prototype Defense

This morning we're spending time putting the finishing touches on our Prototype Defenses. Student groups will present to the entire class and defend why their prototype should be the one we build to put in our outdoor learning space. Students have been working for the past two weeks on their prototypes, building plans, and 3-D sketches.

Requirements for Presentation:

  1. Title
  2. Scale of Prototype
  3. Materials (What they want to use to build with)
  4. Plans on graph paper with scale
  5. Defense Prepared
    • Why does this design meet the needs of the users?
    • Why is this design the most sustainable of its category?
    • Why is this design the most functional of its category?
    • Why is this design the best in its category?
Students must put together a Google Presentation with pictures of their prototype- 5 slides in total. One picture of each of the four sides and one bird's eye view.

Students will use this link to access the form.

After presentations, students should complete at Stop-Drop-Reflect on what they just saw.

Answer these questions on a separate piece of paper. Name and Group Title at the top.
1. Based on what you saw, how feel your group compared to other groups? Were you as prepared? Was your prototype as detailed and complete? How well thought out was your design in comparison to other groups' design?

2. Based on what you saw, what changes, if any, would you make to your design? Be specific. What elements were frequently combined in the different prototypes? Did these combinations make sense? What combinations might we make that we did not see already?

3. Were there any prototypes that you would rule out automatically because they were too complex for the space, too labor intensive for our deadline (Dec. 20), or you felt they did not make sense? If so, explain what traits about that specific prototype makes you want to take it out of the running.

These go to Coach K.

We'll see how it goes!

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